Go For it – Pomeroy farm family scoops up support for artisan ice cream business

Go For it – Pomeroy farm family scoops up support for artisan ice cream business
Trevor Boyd

Mid Ulster family scoops up support for artisan ice cream business from the Go For It programme

 A Pomeroy family have scooped up a business opportunity and launched their very own artisan ice cream business – Betty’s Ice Cream – thanks to the help of the Go For It programme in association with Mid Ulster District Council.

This project is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) programme and the 11 Councils in Northern Ireland.

Launched in 2021, Trevor Boyd, alongside his wife and daughter, decided to try something new and opened Betty’s Ice Cream having had time to take stock on their future during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trevor explains: “When we first launched Betty’s Ice Cream, we felt nervous, but we took comfort in the fact that the business was a family affair which made it really exciting.

“We haven’t looked back since launching as there are so many benefits of running your own business. The greatest benefit for me is seeing people enjoy the product we’ve worked hard to create, it’s so satisfying.”

Pictured left to right is Trevor Boyd, Co-Founder of Betty’s Ice Cream, Councillor Dominic Molloy, Chair of Mid Ulster District Council and Jarlath Anderson, Business Advisor at Enterprise NI Dungannon.

Trevor along with Barbara and Bethany launched Betty’s Ice Cream after taking part in the Go For It programme through Mid Ulster District Council.

He admits that at the beginning it was difficult to juggle the different aspects of setting up, running and developing a business, but the Go For It programme was a fantastic source of support.

“The support provided through the Go For It programme and by my assigned business advisor was invaluable. I initially met with my business advisor with just an idea, and we focussed on putting together a business plan to help turn that idea into a reality.

“The business plan encouraged us as a family to focus on all the different aspects of running a business such as financial planning, marketing, legal requirements, sales strategies and so much more.

“The business plan means we have something tangible, something to look back on and amend as needed. It’s like our blueprint if you like.”The Go For It programme is delivered free of charge by a team of experienced business mentors through Northern Ireland’s wide network of enterprise agencies. It provides expert advice and support to develop a business plan that helps entrepreneurs turn their ideas into commercial businesses.

Councillor Dominic Molloy, Chair of Mid Ulster District Council commented: “It’s fantastic to witness how the Go For It programme has enabled a family to start their own business together, and it’s wonderful to see it doing so well since opening in 2021.

“It’s encouraging that people are continuing to take a leap of faith and turn their business dream into a reality. It’s entrepreneurship like this that contributes to our thriving local economy and makes Mid Ulster a fantastic hub for start-ups. Mid Ulster is home to the largest business base outside of Belfast, with 98% of our businesses being micro or small.  We are proud of our strong entrepreneurial culture – of which Trevor is a fantastic example.

“I wish Trevor and all his family the very best for the future of Betty’s Ice Cream.”

Jarlath Anderson, Business Advisor at Enterprise NI Dungannon said: “It was a real pleasure to support Trevor through the Go For It programme and the fact that Betty’s Ice Cream is a family affair made it extra special.

“We supported Trevor and his family through the provision of a business plan which focussed on everything from finances to sales strategies and marketing and I’m delighted that Trevor has found such value in this and continues to use it to this day.”

If you have a business idea you’d like to develop or if you are thinking about starting a business, contact the Go For It programme on: 0800 027 0639 or visit: www.goforitni.com.