Changes to the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations – “Disappointing”

Changes to the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations – “Disappointing”
Kevin McPartlan, Fuels for Ireland Picture Conor McCabe Photography.

Fuels for Ireland has reported that the consultation process surrounding the Government’s recent changes to the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations (RTFO) was a source of disappointment to Fuels for Ireland and our members.

Two statutory Instruments were planned to come into effect on January 1st 2023, but were postponed until April 1st. The delay was caused by issues within the Department of Transport and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communication. On April 3rd, the legislation was published, containing significant changes from the draft version – changes that will have a big impact.

As a result of the changed dates, the consultation process provided very little time for the Government to address raised concerns and did not allow for the valuable input from industry to be taken on board.

“We have expressed our disappointment to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar in writing and also voiced our concerns during a recent meeting with Department of Transport officials. Moving forward, we sincerely hope that future consultations will be better organised and will allow for input from industry – those who hold the most valuable insights – to be incorporated into the decision-making process” said Fuels for Ireland CEO Kevin McPartlan.