Re-turn Take Back Exemptions Confirmed

Re-turn Take Back Exemptions Confirmed

In preparation for go live on 1 February 2024, Re-turn announced the Take Back Exemptions for Deposit Return. Retailers operating from stores with a retail area of less than 250 sqms will be able to apply for a Takeback Exemption. This is to facilitate smaller retailers with limited retail and storage space and was one of the issues that RGDATA has sought on behalf of non-producer retailers.

Having considered the potential DRS impact on the smaller retail sector, the requirement to ensure the establishment of an effective redemption system that is fair and equitable, without compromising the return to retail principle  and international DRS best practice in other jurisdictions, and, in consultation with the retail sector, Re-turn have now decided that retail outlets with a footprint/layout of 250 sq mtrs or under, of retailer store space1 will have the option to apply as part of the registration process, for a Take Back exemption from the requirement to operate a takeback service.

In order to comply with the DRS Regulations, retailers applying for such a Take Back exemption will also have to have a Take Back exemption notice for consumers on display instore, display in a manner that is visible to all customers a QR code locator, to find the nearest Deposit Return

This Take Back exemption will alleviate the take back pressure on smaller retailers and will result in a large number of takeaways, mobile vans, vending machines and a range of other small venues being able to apply for a Take Back exemption.

Retailer Toolkit Brand Assets

Re-turn have provided all registered Retailers with the Retailer Toolkit Brand Assets to assist in creating and raising awareness for the new Deposit Return Scheme. Click here for the Retailer Toolkit Brand Assets.