Government must recognise the role of vaping in achieving Tobacco Free Ireland: Vape Business Ireland

Government must recognise the role of vaping in achieving Tobacco Free Ireland:  Vape Business Ireland

This VApril, Government must recognise the role of vaping in achieving Tobacco Free Ireland – Vape Business Ireland 

Vaping has been shown to be twice as more effective in helping smokers to kick the habit, compared to traditional nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products, says VBI

Vape Business Ireland, the country’s largest vaping trade association, has announced its support of the annual VApril campaign. VApril is a global, month-long awareness campaign that runs throughout the month of April and aims to provide adult smokers with information to help them move to a less harmful alternative. The campaign is spearheaded by VBI’s sister organisation, the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKIVA).

This VApril, VBI is calling on the Irish Government to recognise the efficacy of vaping as a harm reduction tool, and the role of vaping in achieving a Tobacco Free Ireland by 2025.

Major studies in recent years have shown the benefits of vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoking and have demonstrated its preference among adult ex-smokers versus traditional nicotine replacement therapy products. A major Cochrane Review conducted in November 2022 found that vaping is two and half times more effective than traditional nicotine replacement therapy products. Data from a 2019 Healthy Ireland survey notes that 38% of those who had successfully quit smoking used a vaping product in their attempt, compared to 10% who used nicotine replacement therapy.

The availability of flavoured products is cited as a key factor in helping adult ex-smokers to fully disassociate with the taste and smell of tobacco. While many ex-smokers often begin vaping a tobacco flavour, over time, as their taste buds evolve, they transition to other flavours such as fruit and mint. In June 2021, a survey from the European Tobacco Harduction Advocates found that 94.6% of vapers used non-tobacco flavours.

The Irish Government’s ambitious target of achieving a Tobacco Free Ireland – 5% smoking prevalence by 2025 – remains under threat – current smoking prevalence has stagnated at 15.9%. This is in direct contrast to the UK where smoking rates have continued to decline, due, in part, to the proactive approach of promoting vaping as a less harmful alternative. According to the HSE, six out of every ten smokers wish to quit. VApril therefore serves as an opportunity to make adult smokers aware of the variety of harm reduction options available to them.



ENDS –  

Contact Emma – 083 084 8951


Editors Notes   

About VBI:

Vape Business Ireland is the   country’s   leading   vape representative body that supports, advises and guides the sellers of vape products, who in turn help smokers to quit. VBI represents the Irish vaping industry in advocating for harm reduction, youth prevention, evidence-based regulations, and best in class quality and safety standards. The association represents the interests of its members to a range of stakeholders to ensure the right conditions exist for the success of the industry in meeting its objectives.

To learn more about VApril, please visit: