Bring together all strands of Town Centre First Policy

Bring together all strands of Town Centre First Policy

RGDATA calls for Ireland’s Towns Partnership to bring together all strands of Town Centre First Policy

RGDATA Director General Tara Buckley told a meeting about De-Carbonisation of Town Centre Buildings that working in silos to deliver on regenerating our towns and making them more sustainable and vibrant will not deliver the transformation that cities, towns and villages throughout Ireland require.

Mapping town centre buildings and identifying what needs to be done to make them more efficient and the Government supports that will ensure we deliver on the goal to reduce carbon emissions by 2030 should be part of a Town Health Check and Town Plan. “We need a small, extremely efficient and nimble Ireland’s Towns Partnership to provide the support and expert guidance that local town teams need to address all the elements that will impact on developing their towns to make them sustainable, vibrant and great places to live, work and enjoy community life.”